Lincoln Memorial University Law Review Archive
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This note examines the school-to-prison pipeline, its impact on minority children, and strategies for its elimination. The school-to-prison pipeline systematically removes minority children from the classroom. This process facilitates their entry into the justice system through school punishments, the use of school resource officers, and the harsh conditions of the juvenile justice system which has devastating effects on the minority youths in America. To correct this problem, action must be taken at every step along the pipeline to completely alter the behavior that destines the minority youth of America to incarceration. These key steps include reforming school discipline, removing school resource officers from the schools, and educating and encouraging juvenile defense attorneys to delve deeper into their juvenile clients and take a holistic approach to representation.
Recommended Citation
Aubrian Sanders,
From Beating Students Down to Building Students Up: Eradicating the School-to-Prison Pipeline,
Lincoln Mem’l U. L. Rev.
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