Projects from 2024
Raising Awareness of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Critical Care and Emergency Department Nurses, Caroline Kincaid and Logan Larkey
Use of the Erector Spinae Plane Block as an Option for Perioperative Pain Management in Cardiac and Thoracic Surgical Patients: An Educational Model, Hillary Nogradi
An Evidence-Based Preceptor Development Program for Nurse Anesthetists, Raleigh Todd
Projects from 2023
A Nurse Led Heart Failure Education for Self-Care Symptom Monitoring and Management, Lynda Browning
Reconceptualizing Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: An Evolutionary Concept Analysis and Clinical Guide, Jessica Livingston
Use of Behavior Management Training to Improve Nurses' Confidence in Managing Patient Aggression, Chasity Long
Promoting Positive Sexual Health Behaviors Among Rural College Students: Results of a Targeted STI Prevention Program, Julie Loyke
Supporting Adoption of Atraumatic Care by Rural Hospital Nursing Staff through Education, Angie Sowers
Projects from 2022
Creating Rural Nurse Retention Strategies for Nursing Administrators, Susan Lesser
Projects from 2019
OnTrack: A Program Evaluation, Justin Mynatt
Projects from 2018
Political Astuteness in TN Nurse Practitioners: Strategies to Inform, Tracie Gooch and Tracie Herrell
Projects from 2017
Effectiveness of an Open Access Scheduling System in a Community Mental Health Center, Callie Crockett
Projects from 2016
Knowledge, Perceptions, and Attitudes of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Regarding the use of Desflurane with a Laryngeal Mask Airway, Rachel Davidson
Risk Factors Leading to Increased Recidivism Rates among Adolescents Admitted to an Acute Care Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Hospital, Logan McCarthy, Jonathan Cayce, and Lisa Pullen