Date of Award

Fall 11-11-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Bethany Powers

Second Advisor

Lamar Smith

Third Advisor

Brad Smith


The purpose of the study was to investigate the opportunities for student voice of students with disabilities in Leader in Me and Non-Leader in Me schools. Utilizing a qualitative interpretive approach, I interviewed twelve participants in an urban school district in Tennessee regarding the use of student voice in the classroom and school environment. I utilized a questionnaire to gather demographic information and to solicit participants and an interview protocol to analyze data from interviews. Six themes emerged from the interviews shedding light on how students with disabilities have the opportunity for student voice in the classroom and school. The findings of this study indicate that students have more opportunities for leadership in Leader in Me schools as opposed to Non- Leader in Me schools.


Leader In Me, Student Voice, Students with Disabilities
