Objective: This study aimed to determine the usefulness of the strength of the muscles in hip abduction with flexion while seated (SMHAF-S) in older adults who need nursing care. To achieve this, we examined the reproducibility and validity of a method to measure the SMHAF-S in older adults who need nursing care using a hand-held dynamometer. Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled 40 older women who needed nursing care in September 2021 and completed the SMHAF-S and underwent quadriceps muscle strength, grip strength, 10-s chair stand test for frail older adults (FCS-10), one-legged stance test (OLST), and timed-up-and-go (TUG) test. The reproducibility of the SMHAF-S was examined by determining the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The validity of the relationship between the SMHAF-S and quadriceps muscle strength and other measurement items was examined by calculating Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Results: In this cohort (age 83.6±5.2 years), the reproducibility of the SMHAF-S was excellent (ICC 0.91). Significant correlations were found between the SMHAF-S and quadriceps muscle strength, grip strength, FCS-10, OLST, and TUG test results (pConclusion: The SMHAF-S is a highly reproducible measurement method that reflects lower limb muscle strength and whole-body muscle strength, balance, and walking ability in older adults who need nursing care.
Recommended Citation
Goda, Akio; Nakano, Hideki; Iwai, Hisami; Suruga, Kento; Watanabe, Mai; and Murata, Shin
"Reproducibility and Validity of Muscle Strength in Hip Abduction with Flexion While Seated in Older Adults Who Need Nursing Care,"
Asian Journal of Physical Therapy: Vol. 1:
2023, Article 1.
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